Welcome to Oak Class!
Years 3 and 4
Edited: 05/03/25
Our theme for Spring 2025 is:
How does it feel to be called 'different'?
How does it feel to be called 'different'?
All of the learning we will be based on the above theme.
A more detailed overview on what will be covered in each subject can be found below.
A more detailed overview on what will be covered in each subject can be found below.
In English, Year 3's will be using 'The Egyptian Cinderella' and 'Journey', and Year 4's will be using 'The island at the end of everything' as their key text to guide our learning.
We will start with 'Matilda' as our class read.
Photos of us on our learning journey will be uploaded onto Seesaw regularly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Knight via Seesaw.
Our learning theme cycles.
We are currently on Cycle A.
Log in links
Useful resources and website links to support your child's learning:
'Dance Mat' typing practise
Questions to support Reading
Books for Topics
Book Trust Recommendations
School Reading List
Alan Peat Sentence Structures
Primary Grammar Jargon Buster
Ways to learn spelling
Curriculum links for English and Maths for Years 3 and 4
Please find below links to the National Curriculum with objectives for Years 3 and 4. This is what is covered over the year and what your child should know by the end of Year 3 or Year 4.
Please note, the English overview is a 2 year cycle covering both Years 3 and 4, therefore, these objectives are based on what your child should know by the end of Year 4.
Meet the teacher/ KS2 information
Please find the information shared during Oak class' 'meet the teacher' session on Monday 9th September 2024.
You can find the transition video below, too.